Since 2006, HubPages has been the preeminent online writing community for bloggers and freelance writers to realize the full lifetime value of their writing. Over 220,000 writers and bloggers have published over 1 million informative, useful articles ("Hubs") on HubPages to date. On HubPages, you own your Hubs (youre free to publish and unpublish as you please), in contrast to most other popular publishing platforms.
The high standards we maintain (we rigorously weed out spam and inappropriate content) means your writing will be in good company, and there are thousands of active writers who can give you feedback and make you a better, more productive, and more profitable writer. Authors earn via an impressions-sharing program that has always been (and will always be) 60% to the author, 40% to HubPages .
Earnings range up to several thousand dollars per month, entirely dependent on how well-written, useful, and relevant Hubs are to readers. HubPages has been profiled on The Wall Street Journal, CNET (CBS Interactive), TechCrunch, Family Magazine, Entrepreneur Magazine, and Mashable .
Job Description
HubPages is looking for bloggers and writers who love writing on topics they know and love, and understand what people are searching for online. Were all experts at something; Hubpages is all about earning from sharing what you know and love.
Successful candidates should have:
- Good writing skills (previous writing experience is not required)
- Passion for sharing what they know
- Consistency, with the commitment to publishing regularly (ideally 2-3 Hubs per week)
- Interest in growing and interacting with their readership
Writers can choose their own topics and write on whatever they know and love. Readership, both from within the HubPages writing community and from search engines like Google, grows through continued publication and interaction on the site. Earnings are accrued through Googles popular AdSense Program, as well as through Amazon Associates and HubPagess Ad Program. HubPages also runs popular quarterly writing contests with cash awards.
You will be considered an independent contractor and will be paid based on posting frequency and internet variables including page views, subscriptions, session length, and advertiser interest. This isnt a job that will fully support you.
HubPages writers and bloggers have come from the following backgrounds: receptionist, medical assistant, administrative, accounting, sales representative, retail, dental, marketing, part-time, customer service, accountant, billing, clerical, executive, warehouse worker, call center, registered nurse, project, level, human resources, school teacher, engineer, welder, full time, management, cashier, job, analyst, paralegal, editor, media, internet, blogger, writer, publisher.
Click the APPLY NOW button to create an account, familiarize yourself with our quality standards, and to begin writing right away!
View more jobs in Nevada
Country: USA, State: Nevada, City: Reno, Company: Hubpages.
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